With the announcement of the Ministry of Interior Presidency of Management dated June 30, 2022, significant amendments made to the procedures of receiving residence permit.
Considering the density of foreigners in various regions in our country, 781 neighborhoods in certain provinces were closed to temporary protection registration, international protection registration, residence permit via temporary protection or international protection and the process of changing the province of residence of foreigners within the scope of residence permit, except for new-born and family reunification by the Ministry. As of July 1, 2022, the number of closed neighborhoods has been increased to 1169 and closed neighborhoods are listed in the following
As of July 1, 2022, the number of closed neighborhoods has been increased to 1169 and closed neighborhoods are listed in the following link. As of July 1, 2022, 1,169 neighborhoods in 62 different provinces, whose number of foreigners exceed 25 percent of the total population, shall be closed to new residences for foreigners. Accordingly,
even if foreigners buy property foreigners in these closed neighbourhoods, they shall not be able to obtain a residence permit. Transactions completed before this date shall be valid and current residence permit renewal procedures shall continue.