Associations Law

Legal services provided by Dündar Sır Law Firm cover the entire spectrum of legal counseling, compliance, and dispute resolution processing of associations.
We have a highly experienced team to assist you on the following services:
  • Audit of associations, preparation of the audit and legal assessment reports, and provision of consultancy services on legal compliance (examination of the records of associations and determination of the non-compliances)
  • Carrying out DERBİS transactions including getting DERBİS password, notification of the new or terminated membership and result of the general assembly meetings in DERBİS, notification of the annual declaration etc.,
  • Consultancy services during the establishment, operation, and termination proceedings,
  • Drafting Board of Directors’ resolutions,
  • Establishing commercial entity on behalf of association,
  • Issuing signature circular on behalf of the association,
  • Obtaining necessary permits from local authorities,
  • Preparation of association Bylaw, revision of Bylaw according to the needs of association,
  • Preparation of required documentation regarding organization of General Assembly Meetings.

Our law firm currently provides legal consultancy and compliance services to numerous associations established by foreigners and local groups in Turkey and produces solutions to their legal problems. Our recent involvements are as follows:
  • Dutch Business Association (DBA),
  • Korean Business Association (KBA),
  • Industrial Automation Manufacturers’ Association (ENOSAD),
  • AFS Volunteers Association,
  • Traffic Rights Association.